| 1. | Second , money serves as ( serve for ) a store of value (第二,货币发挥着价值存储的功能。 ) |
| 2. | Money can also serve as a store of value that can be quickly converted to good and services 金钱也能起到储存价值的作用,所储存的价值可以迅速转化成商品或者劳务。 |
| 3. | The fall in the dollar is important but mainly because as a store of value the dollar stinks 美元的下跌之所以重要主要是因为作为一种价值储存手段美钞可谓臭名昭著。 |
| 4. | Holding money as a store of value thus can reduce the transaction costs involved in everyday business 可是有了具有储存价值的金钱,就可以免去了日常买卖中的交易费用。 |
| 5. | Other assets that serve as stores of value must first be sold to be converted into a generally accepted medium of exchange 也就是说金钱可以立即转换成任何商品或任何劳务而不会有任何不便之处,不须付出任何代价。 |
| 6. | The four major functions of money are as a medium of exchange , a standard of value , a standard of deferred payment , and a store of value 钱的四种主要的功能和作用就是:交易媒介、价值标准、赊账标准、价值储备。 |
| 7. | A reserve currency is supposed to be a store of value ; by running a huge current - account deficit america has left the dollar vulnerable 储备货币应该是价值的存储,但是巨大的经常帐户赤字让美元变得脆弱而不堪一击。 |